The Global Goals

If you had to choose between coffee and bread, which would it be?

The cost-of-living crisis has made that choice a reality for many. In the last year, the price of an 800g white sliced loaf has jumped by around 30p!

But why? Well, climate change brings extreme weather. Droughts, storms and pests can affect crops. Supply chains are vulnerable too. Poor roads, high fuel prices and bad weather make transporting goods difficult. And devastating conflict and global crises make things even more complicated. This creates big problems for the people growing crops and working along supply chains, and it drives up the cost of products such as coffee and bread here too. 

We sent Max Klymenko out onto the streets to ask the public about the price of their weekly shop, what causes prices to rise, and what the government could do about it.

The governments of high-income countries could invest more internationally in infrastructure, farming, health, education and climate resilience. These investments will benefit people on a local level but also on a global level, supporting economic stability and prosperity. Providing access to finance to the countries that need it to adapt at pace also helps to secure our access to products we rely upon in our daily lives such as bread and coffee.

It sounds big and complex – but it’s doable. Makes sense right?

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IDA Explainer

This short film shows the many ways that investing in funds like IDA (the World Bank’s people and planet fund) can deliver smart, long-term wins for all of us, and stabilize prices at home. Because investing in our world is investing in everyone’s future. Makes sense right?

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